On June 10, 2023, a significant first-aid training event took place in collaboration with the Roadmarc Foundation and Iraste at the prestigious Suresh Bhat Auditorium in Reshim Bagh, Nagpur. The program was inaugurated by the esteemed Nitinji Gadkari, Minister of Central Transport and Highways. Over 2000 individuals from diverse backgrounds, including students, faculty, social organizations, and more, actively participated in this vital initiative. Distinguished guests such as Shrimant Mudhoji Raje Bhosale, Deputy Commissioner of Traffic Police Chetna Tidke, IMA Nagpur President Dr. Vandana Kate, and Mr. Rajesh Loya graced the occasion as chief guests, emphasizing the importance of first aid knowledge in our communities. The event also saw the presence of key figures in this endeavor, including Roadmarc Foundation Chief Rajesh Wagh and Iraste CEO Konala Verma. This collaborative effort aimed to empower individuals with life-saving skills, fostering a safer and more resilient society.
The Road Accident Disaster Management Center at Chichbhavan Chowk, Khapari, Wardha Road, Nagpur, was inaugurated on August 10, 2023, with esteemed guests including Hon. Chetna Tidke, DCP Traffic Nagpur, Senior Engineer Hon. Prashant Munghate from the Public Works Department, and Chairman of Roadmark Foundation, Raju Wagh, alongside Santosh Atram and the Narayana College team. Chichbhavan Chowk had been labeled an accident-prone "black spot" by the government. Roadmarc Foundation and the iRASTE Project took the initiative to address this issue by involving the local community. A committee of 15 active citizens was formed to provide immediate assistance during accidents. Training, first aid kits, and public awareness campaigns were organized, emphasizing the importance of community involvement in saving lives and making the intersection accident-free.
The Road Accident Disaster Management Center at Chhatrapati Shivaji Chowk, Wardha Road, Nagpur, was inaugurated on August 28, 2023, with esteemed guests including Hon. Aswati Dorje, Madan Kale (President of Tiger Auto Rickshaw Stand), Chairman of Roadmark Foundation Raju Wagh, and social workers Sahebrao Ingle, Ashish Naik, Prashant Hargude, Pallavi Shymkule, Anusya Gupta, Anita Dhyani, Vidya Butle, and Ram Dhawad. Chhatrapati Shivaji Chowk had been identified as an accident-prone "black spot" by the government. Roadmarc Foundation and the iRASTE Project took on the responsibility of addressing the issues causing road accidents in the area. A committee of 17 active citizens was formed to provide immediate assistance during accidents, and a first aid box with a stretcher and kit was made accessible to the community. Public awareness campaigns emphasized the duty of helping accident victims, and making the intersection safer and accident-free.